Earbus Foundation

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Hear Today • Shine Tomorrow


Our Mission

Earbus Foundation is a WA-based Children's charity that works to reduce the incidence of middle ear disease in Aboriginal and at-risk children in our state. The Foundation brings together experts from Education, Health, Culture and Communities.



Through the Earbus outreach program our dedicated clinical team visit over 100 locations in regional and remote WA treating thousands of Aboriginal and at-risk children. With a fleet of Earbuses our goal is to eradicate the impacts of hearing loss and Otitis media so that every young person can reach their full potential through listening and learning.

Our Regional & Remote Programs

Pilbara East
2014 - Present

Earbus visits urban communities and playgroups in Port & South Hedland as well as the remote communities of Strelley, Warralong and Yandeyarra in partnership with Wirraka Maya Aboriginal Health Service. The Pilbara East Earbus Program reaches as far as Marble Bar and Nullagine.

South West
2017 - Present

Earbus works in partnership with South West Aboriginal Medical Services (SWAMS) to provide a complete treatment pathway including screening and surveillance, hearing tests, GP consults and ENT consults.

2018 - 2020

The Kimberley Earbus Program saw resident staff stationed in Kununurra, providing services across the East Kimberley and into the East Fitzroy Valley. The on-the-ground team was supported by specialist clinical visits from Perth every month and delivered services in partnership with Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service (OVAHS) and Yura Yungi Medical Service (YY).

Pilbara Central
2020 - Present

The Pilbara Central Earbus Program serves Newman Primary School, Newman Senior High School and South Newman Primary School, and has strong community involvement in the region in collaboration with Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service and Creating Communities Newman. Clinicians also visit Karalundi College, supporting the hearing health of students and boarders from around WA.

2023 - Present

The Carnarvon Outreach Program commenced as a pilot program in 2023, increasing to 6 trips in 2024. 2025 sees the second full year of services in this area, supporting more than 200 cihldren.

Goldfields & Esperance
2014 - Present

In the Goldfields, the Earbus visits the remote communities of Menzies, Leonora and Laverton as well as Kalgoorlie-Boulder and surrounding towns twice a term, with visits 6 times a year to Esperance and Norseman. The Goldfields Earbus Program works in partnership with local allied health agencies.

2019 - Present

The Metro Earbus Program commenced in 2019 with a focus on schools in the Midland area before an expansion to the South East Metro corridor in 2020. The Metro Earbus Program also services Bindoon, Brookton and Pingelly in the Wheatbelt.

Pilbara South
2020 - Present

The Pilbara South Earbus Program provides vital ear checks and treatment to children in Paraburdoo, Tom Price, Wakathuni and Bellary Springs every month of the school year. Earbus introduced a foundational supports program to enhance school readiness for children attending Kindy, pre-school and Years 1-2 in this region in 2024.

Alcoa Foundation Earbus Program
2020 - Present

The Alcoa Foundation Earbus Program visits schools, early learning centres and district high schools in the Kwinana, Serpentine-Jarrahdale and Upper Southwest areas, incorporating Bunbury, Eaton, Australind, Brunswick Junction, Pinjarra and Harvey-Warooona. In less than 5 years, the program has reached 35 schools and more than 1,000 children.




It is estimated that 2 babies per 1000 born are born with a moderate to profound hearing loss in one or both ears. Newborn Hearing Screening Program is part of the National Neonatal Hearing Screening Framework and works to detect and treat early hearing loss.





With vast experience working in paediatric and regional settings, Lara commenced in the role of Chief Executive Officer in April 2023 after a decade as Director of Clinical Services & Outcomes. Earbus Foundation was started around Lara’s kitchen table back in 2013.


With over 30 years’ experience in the field of hearing impairment, Paul brings the same leadership and business acumen to Earbus in his role as Executive Director as he did during his 10 years as Chief Executive Officer.


Dee has extensive experience working in Aboriginal communities across WA as both a nurse and an audiometrist. Transitioning into retirement in 2021 from her role as Manager, Clinical Standards & Training, Dee remains a vital resource for the Earbus team as a consultant.



From Perth to the regions, be informed of all our latest endeavours and stories, meet our newest team members and business partners, learn about our obstacles and how we plan to overcome them, here, on the Earbus Foundation blog.



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