Ready to Roll
Earbus Foundation, in partnership with Rotary Club of Karrinyup and its partner clubs, is excited to unveil the newly completed regional Earbus for deployment in early 2017. Fresh off the production line at Osborne Motor Bodies in Bassendean the new Earbus provides a fully equipped mobile clinic for use in the far reaches of WA’s north.
Rotary Club of Karrinyup successfully raised all the funds and sourced the expertise required to design, commission, build and license the vehicle. Our thanks in particular to Tony Bayliss and Nick Nedkoff for patient hours of work on the detailed specifications of the bus. The indefatigable Peter Durrant and the irresistible Ian McDonagh brought the fundraising efforts to fruition and completion; and Heather Leaney’s calm, persistent leadership as President and Past-President of Karrinyup Rotary Club has been extraordinary.
Over the next few months the bus will be decorated with Aboriginal Artwork before beginning the long road journey to its new home in WA’s north.