Imagining a Smarter Future
ENT Anton Hinton-Bayre tutoring Earbus staff online.
The mission of Earbus Foundation is wherever possible to eradicate middle ear disease in Aboriginal and at-risk children so as to achieve ear health parity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
In planning for the future Earbus has identified a significant need for new IT infrastructure to better support our work with Aboriginal children and communities in regional and remote Western Australia. Specifically, investment in new hardware for telehealth assessments and upgrades to depreciated models; live internet connectivity, including Wi-Fi on each of our regional mobile ear health clinics; an Australian-based cloud storage partner; and Microsoft licensing subscriptions to provide effective, secure and agile platforms that can support our fieldwork and allow for secure and efficient management of sensitive client data.
With generous financial support from Australian Executors Trust, Earbus Foundation is now embarking on a 3-year investment to provide next level support for our regional work and exciting new developments in clinical and service excellence that will include new diagnostic technology.